While I was on my adventure searching and finding Oakdale Cotton Mill, little did I know I would find something else that would provide many photographs depicting life in the villages that were built for the mill workers and their families. As I came out of the road where the mill was situated behind a gated fence, I saw where there were other roads close to the mill. In fact, there was an entire village. Many of the homes were abandoned and in ruins. Some could be renovated to their simple beauty of years gone by. There, there were a few houses that were still occupied.
I did meet and talk with a young lady who still lived in the house her grandparents had lived in when they worked at the mill. She told me about several of the folks living there and about one abandoned house where a teen hung himshelf in the upstairs bedroom. You have to wonder if that house was haunted. I am not going to find out even if the door was open.
The pictures I took of the houses were more or less a quick photoshoot. Mostly to show to my son and give us an idea of where to go to take our abandoned pictures. More pictures will be taken and posted here with comments. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy Jamestown’s abandons Oakdale Cotton Mill and the Oakdale Mill Village.