Today, having no particular place to go for Memorial Day. I decided to get out and enjoy the beautiful day with a visit to Paul J Ciener Botanical Gardens in Kernersville, NC. I hadn’t been very hungry when I got up, so I enjoyed my big cup of coffee and before lunch, decided to make my way to Kernesville. But first, still not hungry, I decided to partake in a milkshake to tide me over until I got home.

The early summer flowers were blooming. Those that I took pictures of were very pretty. I also got to meet several people whose visit today was their first. Hopefully, not their last. Two of the ladies were so sweet. We even had prayer before parting ways. I hope to meet Ann and Karen again at the gardens. If they happen to see my photo blog, they will know how much our visit meant to me.

I hope you enjoy seeing my photos as much as I did taking them. Captions of the photos will come later.