You couldn’t ask for a nicer day to go out and take pictures. Because of health problems, I haven’t felt like going on photoshoot since mid-December. The choice was wildlife or abandoned. Abandoned won. Jon had never been to Franklinville, NC where a textile mill has been slowly falling into ruin.
On this trip, we were able to photograph some of the equipment used in the mill. We couldn’t find any No Trespassing signs on the buildings any of the buildings. The equipment at the building on the right side of the road was outside and easy to photograph.
Across the road from the above building were several building. The building directly across had many broken windows and we were able to photograph through them. The gate was open on the side. Lots of graffiti painted inside and out. It was as if the workers were told one day to stop and leave. Thread and just over material still on the looms.
Inside the fence but outside the building…